I fight everyday to stay sane but things continue to happen to me making me feel like going crazy. I wish crying would wipe it all away after the last tear drop. Its never over it only sleeps. My heart feels like its about to burst with all of its sadness and when I feel that I have finally found that certain happiness to take its place, it all happens again practically the same way. My world seems to be set on a loop, with different characters each time.
We fight battles everyday with our bodies, mind and soul. We just have to push through and make the best of it.
I realized that we need to Live, Love, and just Learn from it all. Don’t let anything drag me down or make me less then what I truly am. Keep smiling and have my whole life ahead with bright eyes and clear skies.
Challenging others is easy, but supporting them is a bit more difficult. Give to them what I wish I could receive and build a stronger individual through a stronger group.
Today in the middle of a stormy sea, I found angels without any wings, blessing my life with the most precious things (love and support).
Thanks to my friends, to those angels who welcomed me in their group (our group), and make me feel that I’m enjoying a sunny day with them.
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