Thursday, June 11, 2009

Project Proposal and Risk Analysis

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has witnessed a growth in the number of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) functioning in different fields. The latter includes local and regional as well as international organizations. The issues tackled within these establishments differs according to the needs of each country’s civil society, and are almost comprehensive; meaning it covers fields of human right and development. However the resources within these NGOs are limited hence hindering their effectiveness and increasing the stress on their modest human resources.On the other hand, many people in the region, especially youth, have been inactive for a long period and have lost the sense of engagement, due to a lot of problems, including identity and belonging issues, People should be given the opportunity and the medium through which they can participate in their communities and help in their development.
Today we live in a world where communication is easier as a result of the new technologies such as internet and mobile phones. From the above mentioned needs and these new tools project Na7nou net was born.
-The idea and conceptNa7nou net is a website that will be formed to link between those who are looking for a volunteering experience and the NGOs that are in need of human resources especially passionate people.A database for both volunteers and organizations will be developed, where each user will develop their own profile. In addition, a number of services will be available as well such as:
· Feedback forum: Where volunteers can discuss their experiences and rate the NGO they interned / volunteered in, as well as open a space for our users to speak their minds about various civil society and development issues.· Links to other organizations: The website will include links to other organization regionally and internationally, working in different fields of civil society and development, as well as linking Na7nou net to important websites in the region.
· Advertise internships, trainings, and activities: The website will also serve as a platform to circulate on internships or trainings announcements, important conferences, or interesting courses in areas of human rights, civil society and development, also the internships will be available for different countries in the MENA region, a link to donors who can assist fund those internships will be provided.
-Aim and purpose
· create a link between volunteers and local, regional and international NGOs
· provide a space where people can access the needed information easily
· generate a dialogue between people from the MENA region

-How much will it cost and sustain the solution?
Budget below

-What kind of resources are needed to maintain?
To ensure the implementation and the continuity of the project, we need to work on the following resources:
· Human resources: a web designer and people to monitor the work, as well as contacts within the main organizations and with the volunteers
· Financial resources: to start with the project and to ensure the continuity (according to budget)

-How to make sure it will work out in the MENA region?
· The MENA region has its own needs and characteristics that we should know about so that we can ensure the success of Na7nou net; for this reason we will administer needs assessment surveys before starting the project.· The website will be in classic Arabic which is used in the region. In further stages the website will be translated into English and French.
· We will work in partnership with other well known websites hence ensuring the visibility of Na7nou net
· The first phase of the project will be a pilot, in four countries, which will be evaluated after a year in order to administer changes to make sure that the website is reaching the set objectives and to start the expansion.
· A full marketing campaign will take place before launching the website

-How is the objectives of the YLVP 2009 built into the concept?
“The main aim of YLVP is to lay a foundation for dialogue, mutual understanding and knowledge-sharing among young opinion-makers from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Palestine and Sweden. YLVP strives to strengthen participants in their prospects to drive processes for social change in their respective contexts”
Na7nou net fits into the objective set by the YLVP 2009. The website will provide a platform for people from the MENA region to coordinate. In addition, volunteers as well as organizations will be empowered by the experience they will live and will be able to benefit from each others resources.Social media platforms and techniques will be used to link between people i.e. Facebook, twitter etc…

-In what way will the solution support social change?
The higher level of engagement of people in the NGO work will empower both parties. Members will have more knowledge about what is going on in the civil society, their volunteering and engagement will help in making the change.
More people and specifically youth will be engaged in the human rights, development and civil society work, which is a big step towards social change.

-In what way will the solution support networking?
Networking is the basis in Na7nou net, links between the following groups will be provided through this website:
1. Youth from different places in the MENA region
2. Volunteers and organizations in their countries and the region
3. Different bodies working on the same causes
4. Organizations that provide trainings, internships an
d activities related to youth and their target population

-The target group/s
1. Volunteers looking for a professional experience2. Local NGO and then international organization.

-Risk analysis

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thanks to my dream team!!

I sat alone at night wondering why things happen that way. Why do we have to get hurt and feel the pain that comes upon us? Life is such a huge struggle and we will never really be able to understand it.

I fight everyday to stay sane but things continue to happen to me making me feel like going crazy. I wish crying would wipe it all away after the last tear drop. Its never over it only sleeps. My heart feels like its about to burst with all of its sadness and when I feel that I have finally found that certain happiness to take its place, it all happens again practically the same way. My world seems to be set on a loop, with different characters each time.

We fight battles everyday with our bodies, mind and soul. We just have to push through and make the best of it.

I realized that we need to Live, Love, and just Learn from it all. Don’t let anything drag me down or make me less then what I truly am. Keep smiling and have my whole life ahead with bright eyes and clear skies.

Challenging others is easy, but supporting them is a bit more difficult. Give to them what I wish I could receive and build a stronger individual through a stronger group.

Today in the middle of a stormy sea, I found angels without any wings, blessing my life with the most precious things (love and support).

Thanks to my friends, to those angels who welcomed me in their group (our group), and make me feel that I’m enjoying a sunny day with them.


SWOT analysis

Welcome Jasmine!

Na7nou team is very so much too glad to welcome Jasmine to join our group!

Jasmine became an official member of the group since Today :D 3rd June 09, Hyper Island, Sweden!!!

We are so much looking forward to working with Jasmine and having so many blasts, and enjoying our time as we already are, with candies, coffee, smoking and songs :D

So from the dream team, Welcome Jasmine!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Rationale...

The choice of the Na7nou volunteers idea is based on the following reasons:

  1. This database is needed and very much requested by volunteers and organizations.
  2. Its an empowerment tool for the young opinion builders
  3. A low cost project
  4. A comprehensive network which offers opportunities in all fields

NA7nou team

The four other ideas

Online Art Academy

Description: create a space for youth artists to post their work in different artistic fields. In the same time the participants will receive feedback from volunteer professionals on their work and hence provide them with the opportunity to become themselves professionals.

Live my life

its a user generated virtual world where the participants can work on the development of an area similar to their community. In this way young people from the Arab world will get to know each other better. In addition, events in different places will be organized and will take place at the same time.


It is similar to the Wikepedia engine however it will be user generated and will include issues from the Arab World. It will tackle issues related to human rights, democracy, politics, gender health etc...

Youth Knowledge exchange

the aim of this activity is to provide the youth with the opportunity to communicate with each other using social media tools as well as sms. Lectures, awareness sessions, seminars and updates on human rights issues will be delivered through different mediums. This will be done in partnership with trusted academic and social organization.

Team towards exploring strengths and weaknesses

Na7nou team followed part of the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) technique to discover our niches, where we can build and where we can learn from each other, as a first step towards defining our own manifesto, and towards a more comprehensive, cooperative team work.

  • Team Strengths

- Know how in social media
- Human rights and Women’s rights experience and background
- Networking
- Contacts in our communities
- Swedish organizations contacts
- Media experience
- International law background
- Planning and organizing events experience
- IT skills
- Project writing and budgeting
- Conflict resolution experience

  • Team Weaknesses
    - Technological know how
    - Perfectionists
    - Various experiences
    - Leadership and team players
    - Various experiences on leadership
    - Last minute deadline attitude

Our main idea

Na7nou net

An online user generated volunteer/activist database and community using sms.

The website is divided into two major parts. One that caters to activists and volunteers who want to get involved in projects, and one that caters to organizations looking for the volunteers. One of the elements is an sms-service that allows an activist to register by sending a text message. In this case the profile would only consist of a name, a location and a telephone number. Through more textmessages the system could ask for other factors like age, education and areas of preference (environment, womens rights etc).

The result is a database where the organisations can search for possible volunteers with a specific background. In countries with better internet access the aktivist can of course provide more detailed information in their profiles. In this case the website will also act as a community with user generated material concerning activism. Other possible solutions is to use the community/website to promote scholarships, exchanges or employment opportunities. Through the community different groups could of course also get in touch with each other to arrange collaborations of their own.

The sms-services could also be used to distribute news of information to the registered users.

The purpose is to solve or bypass the following problems:
  • Lack of involvement by arab youth.
  • Difficulty in finding volunteers in the region.
  • Bad internet connection.
  • Lack of contact between activist groups in the region.
  • Lack of human resources and experience in the region.
The objective of Team Na7nou is to...

...create a space where volunteers can reach local, regional and international NGO:s (and vice versa of course).

Realization draft:
  • Build the website.
  • Launch sms-services.
  • Create the database of volunteers (using internet and sms).
  • Create the database of organisations.
  • Engage ambassadors.
  • Start working.
  • Continous monitoring and evaluation.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The creative manifesto

Group Na7nou

Who we are: A group of young people sharing the same dream – where social media can be the tool to achieve real change where it is needed.

Our vision: Aware of the challenges in our societies, we still
believe in a world where social justice, human rights, tolerance and democracy, are the foundations of the day to day practices in the MENA region.

Our mission: To work on the development of a project, within 2 weeks, using
social media, and to further implement it and sustain it in the MENA region.

Our objectives:
1) Work hard as a team
2) Develop a project using social media techniques
3) Implement and sustain the project in the MENA region
4) Learn from each other and enjoy our time

Na7nou team believes in…
Equality and non-discrimination
Fairness and mutual respect
Transparency and accountability
Attentive listening
Shared responsibility between team members
Harmony, mutual understanding, and empathy among team members

“Understand rather than being understood”

Na7nou team
Yusra Jamous
Engy Ghozlan
Nabil Chaouche Teyara
Chantale Kallas
Olof Jönsson
Get in touch with Na7nou team:
Facebook: Na7nou
To download in PDF format click here